What Is It?
Benefits of a Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture Series
Contraindications of Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture
Duration and Number of Treatments
What Is It?
Facial rejuvenation acupuncture, acupressure, and massage is a treatment rooted in traditional East Asian medicine that will reduce the signs of aging. It is not limited to those that are older; younger individuals with acne or hormone-related skin conditions can also benefit. A treatment session consists mainly of acupuncture, with thin needles inserted into the face, scalp, ears, neck, and body, and may be followed by a short facial massage. As the meridians (pathways of Qi, or energy) in East Asian medicine flow from head to toe and back, a facial acupuncture session treats the whole person—mentally, emotionally, and physically—and is not solely restricted to cosmetic improvements. Each individual has their own health concerns, and as a result, each treatment is customized to suit the needs that are presented.
Benefits of a Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture Series
Helps to reduce and eliminate eye bags
Helps to eliminate fine lines and diminishes the size of larger wrinkles
Balances sebaceous secretions to treat dry skin, oily skin, and/or acne
Reduces or eliminates double chins
Helps to eliminate puffiness of the face
Improves muscle tone and dermal contraction (i.e. tightness of the skin)
Increases collagen production and has an effect on its dispersal
Decreases the tendency toward sagging and jowls
Promotes skin rejuvenation by increasing blood flow, oxygen, and nutrients to the face
Improves hormonal balance and hormone-based skin conditions
Improves facial colour by the increase of peripheral circulation
Tightens pores
Brightens the eyes
Helps lift drooping eyelids
Promotes overall health and well-being
Reduces stress that is visible in the face
Brings out a person’s innate beauty and radiance
Slows the aging process from within
Delays the hair turning grey and the loss of hair associated with aging
Benefits the eyes, ears, sinuses, thyroid, and brain
Eases temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems in the jaw
Contraindications of Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture
If you have the following conditions, you cannot receive facial rejuvenation acupuncture:
Problems with bleeding
Tendency to bruise excessively
Pituitary tumours
High blood pressure
Diabetes mellitus
Serious health conditions, e.g. cancer, AIDS, acute hepatitis, and coronary disease
Ulcerated, irritated, or bruised areas; warts; pigmented moles
Seizures and epilepsy
Flus and colds
Acute herpes outbreaks
Acute allergic reactions
While the above conditions are contraindicated in facial rejuvenation acupuncture, regular methods of acupuncture are recommended and beneficial.
If you have the following conditions, you may or may not be able to receive facial rejuvenation acupuncture:
Former cosmetic surgery
Lymphedema, especially of the face
Speak to your naturopathic doctor if you have questions about whether or not you can receive facial rejuvenation acupuncture.
Duration and Number of Treatments
A 60-minute naturopathic initial consultation is required to gather medical history.
Generally, 12 treatments after the consultation are required, either 1-2 times per week.
Each facial rejuvenation acupuncture treatment session is 90 minutes.
Changes may be visible after the first treatment but are more obvious and lasting around the seventh treatment.
Effects may last up to 2-5 years, depending on age, lifestyle, diet, exercise, etc.
Maintenance sessions may be booked monthly or seasonally, if the individual desires this.
Possibility of bruising after a treatment session – do not schedule an appointment if you have a public event the next day.